Republican Committee Assignments 2023-2024
Representative George Rauscher is the Majority Whip, Chairs the House Special Committee on Energy, Vice Chair of House Resources, Vice Chair of Legislative Strategic Food Task Force, Chair of Congressional Legislative Prayer Caucus for the State of Alaska.
Representative Rauscher is a Member Of: Legislative Council, Resources (Fin Sub), House Military and Veterans Affairs, Community and Economic Development (Fin Sub), House Arctic Policy Economic Development and Tourism, House Environmental Conservation (Fin Sub), The Governor’s Strategic Energy Task Force, Executive Member on the National Energy Council, Alternate Executive Member on the Pacific Northwest Economic Region.


.District 29

 Farm Loop


 Kings Lake
 Lakes 3

.Sheep Mountain


.Valdez 1-3

On Hunting and Fishing

  • Feeds His Family With What He Hunts and Fishes
  • Proven Leadership in His Community
  • Endorsed by the NRA
  • Endorsed by the Alaska Outdoor Council
  • Endorsed by the Sportsman's Alliance

On Economic Development


  • Streamline the Permitting Process
  • Repeal Impeding Regulations

       Responsible Resource Development

  • Curtail Stifling Overreach
  • Stable and Predictable Taxes
  • Fiscally Responsible Development

 Government Must Stop Competing with the Private Sector

On Managing the Budget

  • Promotes a Sustainable Budget
  • Promotes a Spending Cap
  • Promotes Constitutionally Appropriate Spending
  • It's Not Time to Restructure the Permanent Fund
  • It's Time to Restructure Government

​​On the PFD

I favor and fully support Gov. Dunleavy’s legislation that will restore the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) amount to the statutory formula, as originally calculated by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, as it is presently the law.

Restoring the full amount of the permanent fund dividend will help restore the trust of the people and help the economy.

On Binding Caucuses

We must pass a bill and a resolution for the legislature to abide by to eliminate the binding caucus rule in our Alaska State Legislature. I will not pledge my vote unconditionally at the expense of what is best for the people I serve in trade for committee chairmanships. 

Pro Life

I believe life begins at conception and abortion is the killing of a living human being. Voting for a bill that will help stop any form of abortion is important to me. My constantly voting only for the "all or nothing approach" which never has the 21 votes to become law, is leading to children continually dying each year. So, whenever there is enough legislative votes to stop a large number of abortions, then I will vote to support that law also.

2nd Amendment Rights

​As you all know I believe in our second amendment rights. I have sponsored and co-sponsored bills that give an 18 year old who can die for our country the right to purchase a hand gun or to protect your right to defensively display your weapon to protect your property without fear of litigation for intimidating others. 

I believe in our 2nd Amendment Right to defend: our homes, our property, our loved ones and to feed our families which is also the God given freedom, liberty and tradition of all American Citizens.

Constitutional Amendment to Cap Spending

The only way we can protect our Permanent Fund and Provide for the State of Alaska is through a Constitutional Spending Cap. Resetting the existing cap is a major problem for legislators who can't stop spending but it must happen this year.